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Algemene oppervlakbehandelings vir boute

This article introduces four common surface treatments for bolts: coating, hot-dip galvanizing, electroplating, and Dacro. These methods can improve the corrosion resistance and appearance of bolts. Coating and electroplating can make the surface of the bolt smoother and more beautiful, but they are not durable and are easily scratched; hot-dip galvanizing and Dacro can enhance the anti-corrosion ability, but the surface is not beautiful enough. Now there is a hexavalent chromium-free formula for Dacro, wat meer omgewingsvriendelik is. This article briefly introduces the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment method, as well as their importance.

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Toepassing en verskil van warm smee en koue kop prosesse in bevestigingsmiddel produkte

This article discusses the application and difference of hot forging and cold heading processes in fastener products. Koue opskrif is ten volle gemeganiseer, wat lei tot 'n lae defekstempo, maar die sterkte van produkte wat geproduseer word, is beperk tot 'n maksimum van 10.9 en benodig hittebehandeling om hoër sterkte te bereik. Koue opskrifmasjiene het 'n basiese minimum bestelhoeveelheid van 1 ton. Aan die ander kant, Warm smee behels handearbeid en kan produkte produseer met tot 12.9 sterkte. Egter, Die arbeidskoste is hoog, En die warm smeeproses is duurder as koue opskrif in massaproduksie. Die artikel kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die warm smee -proses gebruik kan word vir klein ondersoekhoeveelhede en lae voorkomsvereistes.

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