
Specialized Fastener Supplier

Building a Reliable Future with JMET Fasteners

JMET Fastener, jo fertroude hardware-eksport foar ien-stop sourcing.

Various HEX BOLT fasteners on a white background.


Welcome to JMET Fastener, your trusted partner in fastener and building material exports. We specialize in the trade of fasteners and flanges, with a particular focus on providing high-quality products that meet English and American standards up to 10.9 klasse. With our in-depth understanding of raw material prices and destination country markets, we are able to offer the most cost-effective products to our customers. Whether you are in Southeast Asia, Súd-Amearika, the Middle East, or anywhere else in the world, JMET Fastener is committed to build a reliable future with you.

Oer ús

JMET is a state-owned enterprise established in 1974 with a long history of export trade. Wy binne in gearstalde bedriuw mei alle aspekten fan ymport en eksportearje, en spesjalisearje yn fastener Eksport nei Súdeast-Aazje, Súd-Amearika, en it Midden-Easten. Us yngeande begryp fan rau materiaalprizen en bestimmingslânskampen kinne wy ​​jo de measte kosten-effektive produkten leverje.

An FLANGE blue logo on a HEX NUT background.
In gebou mei oanpast flaggen foar flaggen foarôf.

ús tsjinsten

In welder lûkt in flange op in stik metaal.


Meidwaan oan metalen troch te smelten en te wizen se tegearre.

In masjine dy't sparken emitearje fan oanpaste befestigingen mei in hex moer en oanpast flange.

Plasma Cutting

Mei help fan in hege-velocity Jet of ioniseare gas om troch metaal te besunigjen.


Giet Molten Metaal yn in skimmel om in winske foarm te meitsjen.


Foarmjen metaal troch it te hammerjen of te drukken as it malber is.

Wêrom kieze ús


Exceptional control for quality and delivery time


Providing the most efficient solutions for your needs


Comprehensive import and export services for your convenience


Reliable and trustworthy partner in anytime

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Building a Reliable Future with JMET Fasteners.