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Perlakuan permukaan umum pikeun Bolts

This article introduces four common surface treatments for bolts: coating, hot-dip galvanizing, electroplating, and Dacro. These methods can improve the corrosion resistance and appearance of bolts. Coating and electroplating can make the surface of the bolt smoother and more beautiful, but they are not durable and are easily scratched; hot-dip galvanizing and Dacro can enhance the anti-corrosion ability, but the surface is not beautiful enough. Now there is a hexavalent chromium-free formula for Dacro, nu leuwih ramah lingkungan. This article briefly introduces the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment method, as well as their importance.

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Grafik nunjukkeun harga flange baja dina yuan Cina.

Analisis Harga Steel 2021

Salila Majelis Umum PBB ka-75 di 2020, Cina ngusulkeun yén "émisi karbon dioksida kedah puncakna 2030 sarta ngahontal nétralisasi karbon ku 2060 ".

Ayeuna, tujuan ieu geus resmi diasupkeun kana tata administrasi pamaréntah Cina, boh dina rapat umum boh kawijakan pamaréntah daérah.

Numutkeun téhnologi produksi Cina urang ayeuna, kontrol émisi karbon dina jangka pondok ngan bisa ngurangan produksi baja. Ku kituna, tina ramalan makro, produksi baja hareup bakal ngurangan.

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Sakelompok jalma linggih di kamar konferensi, ngabahas rarancang jeung spésifikasi hiji Flange ngaropéa.

JMET CORP dimodalan 2022 kasimpulan taunan jeung konferensi pujian

Dina soré 16 Januari, JMET ngayakeun na 2022 konperénsi ringkesan sareng pujian di aula konperénsi di lantai 2 Gedong G Sainty International Group. Lagu Gao, manajer umum Sainty International Group, ngahadiran rapat sareng masihan pidato, jeung Zhou An, éta wakil umum manajer Sainty International Grup sarta pupuhu pausahaan, dibere laporan karya pikeun 2022. Konférénsi commended koléktif maju jeung individu tina 2022.

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Aplikasi sareng Bedana Prosés Tempa Panas sareng Tiis dina Produk Fastener

This article discusses the application and difference of hot forging and cold heading processes in fastener products. Judul tiis pinuh mékanis, resulting in a low defect rate, but the strength of products produced is limited to a maximum of 10.9 and requires heat treatment to reach higher strength levels. Cold heading machines have a basic minimum order quantity of 1 ton. Di sisi anu sanésna, hot forging involves manual labor and can produce products with up to 12.9 kakuatan. Sanajan kitu, the labor cost is high, and the hot forging process is more expensive than cold heading in mass production. The article concludes that the hot forging process can be used for small inquiry quantities and low appearance requirements.

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Grafik anu nunjukkeun harga fluctuating baja di China.

LAPORAN ANALISIS HARGA BAJA Ti bulan Juni nepi ka Juli

Dipangaruhan ku seueur faktor, harga baja Cina urang geus fluctuated tremendously taun ieu, jeung harga pola biasa dina taun saméméhna geus leungit nilai rujukan maranéhanana. Ku kituna, artikel ieu nganalisa parobahan harga baja ti bulan Méi nepi ka Juli 19 ti sababaraha sudut, sarta prédiksi harga baja dina Agustus hareup nepi ka Nopémber.

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